Food Waste to Water

Have you ever thought how much food waste ends up in landfills, rots and produces harmful greenhouse gases?

Well, there are some pretty innovative people out there who are trying to reduce the amount of organic waste in an environmentally responsible way.

This technology is called Waste2O which is a food waste bio-digester that turns up to 180 kg of food waste to waste water in 24-hours. It’s a low carbon-footprint, onsite food waste management system that we can get installed in your office!

How it works:

  • Step 1: Food waste is added to the chamber through the hatch.
  • Step 2: Microorganisms digest food waste while starting the breakdown of fats, oils & grease (FOGs).
  • Step 3: All soft food is digested. Waste water is the only output, no solids to manage.


Just add food waste and let it do the rest 
Aerobic microbial activity converts all soft food waste into waste water that is safely sent straight to the drain, using existing services – saving you the hassle of dealing with solid food waste. No need to store food waste, reduces odour and vermin problems and reduces what goes to landfill.
• No solids to manage
• Easy, on-site food waste solution
• Food waste digested to waste water

Sustainable & affordable food waste solution
Less food waste to transport takes trucks off the road and improves an operation’s overall carbon footprint. Fewer collections save money and are better for the environment. Improved waste stream management leads to better return on recyclables.
• Less food waste to landfill
• Fewer trucks on the road
• Labour & money saving

Environmentally responsible & earth friendly
Waste2O reclaims the water inherent to food waste (approximately 70% of food waste is water), safely returning it to water treatment plants-meaning water is not lost to landfill or incineration. The optional Volume Sensor gives operations an effective management tool to track and monitor food usage to prevent and reduce food waste.
• Water from food waste totally reclaimed
• Better waste stream separation & recycling, plus effective food waste management
• Environmentally-sound solution

• ½-in BSP continuous warm water connection (50oC)
• 1 ½-in drain connection
• 10-amp, 1-phase power connection
• Connection is to foul water drain
• Monthly replacement of bio-fluid


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